PS from the PA – April 2022

Hamilton DermatologyNews

Sorry folks, I didn’t feel like writing an article this month … APRIL FOOLS!

Can I just say that technology is amazing? I love being able to work in a profession and at an office that is on the cutting edge of new devices that allow us to better care for our patients. Dr. Hamilton has recently purchased the Clarius, a new handheld ultrasound machine.  Ultrasound technology has been around for many years, most commonly known for its uses to look at the uterus, ovaries, gallbladder, tumors, and deep veins.  Our office has provided ultrasound services for varicose veins for many years. Dr. Hamilton is a Registered Vascular Specialist, and Becky Guthrie is a Registered Vascular Technician and they work together to help diagnose and treat those troublesome leg veins.

The new Clarius is specially designed to view the more superficial structures of the skin such as small arteries and veins, which will be extremely helpful during cosmetic injection procedures. No matter how good of an anatomist your injector is, and we all know that Dr. H is the best of the best, there are always some variations between people on where their critical blood supply is located. Being able to perform a quick ultrasound prior to and after injection will help to seriously decrease vascular complications and make injecting a much safer process.

Other uses for the Clarius in our office will be to evaluate skin cancers as well as lumps and bumps to determine if they are cysts or lipomas.  You can view additional information about this new technology on the Clarius website.

Madison, PA-C

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